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Run-n-Gun-Fun!! Contra The Board Game Review

Bringing Back The NES Days!!

Publisher: Blacklist Games

Year Published: 2022

BGG Page: Contra: The Board Game

Downloads: N/A

Last Updated: June 1st, 2024

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Game Overview

Contra: The Board Game is a fantastic recreation of the Nintendo classic run-n-gun video game. One to four players face off against the Red Falcon army. Contra: The Board Game is based on a modular deck system. Players choose a starting character, a stage, and an enemy to face off against. There is a system of progressive dice rolling and card playing to emulate the feel of Contra’s run-n-gun gameplay style.

Game setup takes ~10 minutes once you have familiar with the game. A game session is on the longer side of things clocking in at ~1 hour from my experience (once you have the ruleset down). Contra: The Board Game is currently for sale at the $50 USD price point.

What I Like

  • Faithful Recreation of the NES Classic. Run-n-Gun Mechanics work well!

  • Modular Deck System Brings Tons of Replayability to the tabletop!

  • Good Target Price Point (~$50 USD).

  • Optional (House) Rules Provided

What I Disliked

  • Excessive Components Coupled With Longer than Targeted Setup Time.

    • There is a lot going on here folks for such a small game

    • Game system and mechanics could be further simplified

  • Lack of a True Campaign System (Retail Copy)

    • Yes, you can complete both stages in sequential order if desired (yay!)

Who Should Buy Contra: The Board Game

80’s and 90’s kids-turned-adults are the target market for this product. My kids do not even know what Contra is…tragic…I know. If you enjoy tactical shooting like board games (the few that exist), you may like this title as well.

House Rules & Mods

  • House Rules Pre-Baked! - Optional rules are provided in back of rulebook! I much appreciate this by the publisher.

  • Lone Wolf Mode - Paradrop your commando into the game board anywhere you wish. You start with zero advantage tokens or cards. Its you and your gun. Enjoy!!

Contra: The Board Game Strategy

  • Run-Some-Gun - General starting strategy is to collect “advantage” tokens and cards and spending these wisely.

  • It Takes 2 - Playing the game in true lone wolf mode is quite challenging as the cards lend themselves to teamwork. If you are serious about winning the game, use at least two commandos.

  • Level Up - Plan to upgrade your commando’s guns ASAP. This can provide significant advantage for the rest of the play session.


  • Adaptability: 4

    • Includes Complexity, Difficulty & Learning

  • Engagement: 8

    • Includes Mechanics, Strategy & Theme

  • Human Connection: 6

    • Includes Family Fun, Player Interaction & Theme

  • Immersive Experience: 7

    • Includes Artwork, Components, Replay-ability & Theme

  • Overall Rating: 6.25 out of 10

*For a review of the tabletop-tales rating system please see here

Contra The Board Game Closing Thoughts

I throughly enjoyed this game! For fifty bucks, its hard to beat the value you get from this production. I am also a “young, you can laugh with me!” Gen X(er). Let’s be clear - this is a niche board game for a niche audience.

Teamwork is a topic worth a bit of discussion as well. The game is based on a video game, which in turn is based on 2-player action! Teamwork should be further enhanced in future versions of the game. Some of the cards do provide teamwork aspects to be clear.

Overall, while a solid production, the game could (should) be further simplified. Board game complexity for the sake of complexity is a waste of time (everyones). Further streamlining of the game mechanics and components will also lend the game to accelerate pace (more run-n-gun fun!).

Until Next Time, Enjoy the Tabletop!

Contra The Board Game Components