CMON’s Masters of the Universe. On Gamefound.


For those who missed out on the Kickstarter launch of CMON’s Masters of the Universe, the company has listed the expansive game on the Gamefound crowd funding platform. A few notable differences this go around via the Gamefound campaign includes support for worldwide shipping and the introduction of two new characters, Jitsu and Sky-Klone. You can find more information at the Gamefound campaign page.

Masters of the Universe is a modern board game retelling of the classic 80’s cartoon. I went all-in on this original campaign a while back and have yet to play all of the content. We will review it sooner than later. Masters is a solid skirmish game, at a premium price. Masters combines Rise of Moloch mechanics with the Masters of the Universe theme, with improvements.

Like many crowdfunding campaigns, unless you are willing to spend both the required money and the time thereafter to truly enjoy all of the content, going with less content can be best.

Below are a few links you can browse if you have interest in Masters of the Universe campaign by CMON including the recent Gamefound campaign.

Until Next Time, Enjoy the Tabletop.


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